10 Questions to ask yourself

10 Questions to ask yourself

Journaling serves as a powerful tool for cultivating self-awareness, fostering personal growth, and gaining valuable insights into your inner world.

It's a therapeutic process that allows you to reflect, set intentions, and embrace your authentic self, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of who you are and the path you wish to traverse.

Remember we are humans, and we change frequently, it's important to get to know the new you every so often... 

Here are some questions to get to know yourself better. 


1. What values are most important to me?

2. What made me FEEL grateful today?

3. What are my strengths?

4. How do I define success?

5. What accomplishment do I value most?

6. What brings me joy?

7. Am I feel happy?

8. What could I be doing more of, that would increase my overall happiness?

9. What is my purpose?

10. Am I taking care of myself?

11. BONUS: What things help me love myself more?


Come back and journal on these questions in a few months and notice the shifts and how you change.

Don't abandon yourself on your journey through change. 

The more aware we are the better we understand and conduct ourselves accordingly. 

Be there for YOU, support YOU, love YOU. 


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